
Our Grappa Riserva is memorable for an outstanding elegance complimented by well-balanced floral and fruit aromas, fine traces of vanilla, and ripe, warm hints of oak.

Vinaccia di Nittardi is distilled from the gently pressed fresh pomace of the Sangiovese grapes grown at Nittardi. In the same day that the juicy pulp is pressed, the pomace brought to the Distilleria Pilzer, a little family-run distillery in the Valle di Cembra close to Trento, where it is immediately distilled to approx. 70% alcohol. To achieve the desired alcohol content of 42%, Distilleria Pilzer distills and adds the pure water of the Cembra Valley. Finally, the grappa is filtered at a temperature of minus 8° C (17.6° F) and then filled in 0.7-liter bottles.





We ship our Grappa all over the world, please contact us at info@nittardi.com for further information.


The golden-colored Grappa Riserva is aged a total of 24 months in finely grained and lightly toasted French oak barrels, thus allowing the taste to become both softer and rounder.

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg